Domestic Animal Diversity Information System
The Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) is maintained and developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.[1] It provides access to searchable databases of breed-related information and photos, and links to other online resources on domestic animal diversity.[1]
Key facts about DAD-IS:
- It allows you to analyze the diversity of domestic animal breeds on national, regional, and global levels, including the status of breeds regarding their risk of extinction.[1]
- There are around 8800 domestic animal breeds of 38 different species in the world, providing a diversity of products and services.[1]
- Many breeds have unique characteristics that can contribute to meeting challenges related to climate change.[1]
- More than 15,000 national breed populations (representing more than 8,800 breeds and about 40 species) from 182 countries are recorded.[1]
- It provides tools to monitor national breed populations and make informed decisions on the management of animal genetic resources.[1]
You can also find detailed information for a specific breed, learn about breeds’ risk status, generate specific reports and figures, and even export data for further analyses.[1] It also helps measure progress made towards target 2.5 under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) focusing on the maintenance of the genetic diversity of farmed and domesticated animals.[1]